What type of plywood is used for roofing?

Here at Roofing Superstore, we have a range of plywood boards that can be used for your project. In roofing, plywood can be used a...

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Types of roof trusses and their uses

A roof truss is a prefabricated structure designed to support a roof on a building. They come in two main types: flat and pitched....

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How many roof tiles do I need?

When installing a new roof or deciding to replace an existing roof, it is essential to choose the right type and amount of roof ti...

DIY Difficulty Level 3

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How do you calculate the roof area for a project?

When undertaking work on a roof, accurate measurements are absolutely crucial. Regardless of whether you're tiling or installin...

DIY Difficulty Level 3

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What should I use to re-roof my shed roof?

Time to refresh your shed roof? We’ve compiled some information on each type of material we recommend for your roof so you can c...

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