Solar Roof Tiles

Solar roof tiles, also known as solar shingles, are a highly innovative green energy technology. Designed to blend seamlessly with your roof, they’re an excellent alternative to traditional solar panels if you live in a conservation or heritage area or you’re simply concerned about your home’s exterior décor. The latest in sustainable energy generation, solar roof tiles provide clean, free energy, help you save money on your energy bills and increase the value of your property.

At Roofing Superstore, we’re proud to introduce an exciting range of high-performance solar roof tiles from market-leading suppliers like Marley and fittings from SolarDek. Ideal for new builds and renovations, they’re durable and resistant to the elements. What’s more, all our offerings are manufactured to strict fire and safety regulations. Our solar shingles also come with the highest environmental credentials to help you reduce your carbon footprint and embrace a more sustainable, environmentally friendly lifestyle without compromising on aesthetics.

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